Diet Success Planner software is software that will help your diet. Diet Success Planner software has a large database of 7520 food and more than 100 different activities. With Diet Success Planner software, you can make your diet more healthful.

Diet Success Planner software is very easy to use and effective, with the price of original software for $ 35.00 ( This software also support for operating systems Windows XP and Vista.

Software Diet Success Planner will tell you:

* The number of calories you should flesh have
* How many calories can be burned by the body
* BMI (Body Mass Index) and check whether you have proportional or not
* BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) you
* What is ideal body weight

With Diet Success Planner software you will:

* Subject to calculate intake and your calorie expenditure per day
* Be able to see database with more than 7500 kinds of food and 11 activities for a healthy diet
* Subject to planned intake and record your diet with charts, graphs, and so on.


Posted by βeta-site Saturday, November 28, 2009 0 comments

Forget to bring important files?? Now there is software that you can connect from another computer into your favorite personal computer at home. You can access your personal computer anywhere and at any time during your personal computer is still alive. That way you can use your computer in another computer and you also can transfer data between two computer. LogMeIn, is one of the software is free now present can be downloaded from the official website.

Simply download the software for your main computer to be controlled. Then you simply register at the official site LogMeIn. You also need some of the settings by adding LogMeIn browser add-ons through the computer used to access your computer at home. Your computer can be controlled by conditions online on the internet, computer in living conditions, and sets enable LogMeIn software.

For security, you do not need to worry. In this system there is some security that can be in the settings on your profile at LogMeIn. So, to access this system required a password on a personal computer, LogMeIn password on the website and password sent via email each accessing a computer through another computer. So the security system is reinforced with 3 times login.

Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

The world will feel better when the developer is working hard to make a good free application that can do all necessary work is good or even better than paid versions.

Here are 20 applications for Windows 7 a good use. Ninite is the fastest and easiest way to get these 20 applications.

11. Ditto

Since Win 7 does not provide improvements on the most basic technique often used in the PC - copy & paste - Ditto is to improve this function.


12. Defraggler

Makers of CCleaner also makes Defraggler, a defragmentation tool for Windows. A good feature is the ability to mendefragmentasi files individually or a specific portion of a drive.


13. Recuva

Recuva is a free application to restore files accidentally lost from the Recycle Bin, MP3 Players and memory cards, retrieve files corrupted by a virus or damaged.


14. 7Stacks

Stacks is a great plus for Mac OS X Dock. 7Stacks have the same functions provided for Mac OS X.


15. Switcher

This is also an application for Mac OS X. Switcher features owned imitate Mac OS X.


16. 7-Zip

Shrink the file has many advantages since'll take a smaller place and speed to be downloaded from the internet. 7-Zip makes you shrink the data with 7z format, the result gives the file size 40% smaller than Zip format.


17. Supercopier

Supercopier provides features to create the copied file attachments.


18. Windows Live Essentials

Live applications such as Windows Photo Gallery, Movie Maker and Live Messenger are not provided by the Win 7. These applications are sold, and requires enough effort to use it.

Windows Live essentials

19. Eraser

Most people save a variety of important personal data such as passwords or account information on her PC. Files are missing from the recycle bin is not lost forever, and will be a disaster if someone managed to get it. Eraser delete a file is clean.


20. OpenOffice

OpenOffice, an open-source applications are popular, is a powerful application to consider the fact that you do not need to spend money. OpenOffice is almost similar to MS Office, and the difficult techniques such as macros and built-in templates.


Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

Iron Man: Ultimate Two-Disc Edition (Blu-ray)

In watching Iron Man, one gets the sense that director Jon Favreau said, “Yeah, let’s tell a great story, but what I really want to do is make projectors and amplifiers smoke!”

And did he ever.

The second half of the movie could best be summed up as follows: living, breathing crash-test dummy in shiny metallic armor with rockets on his feet, a bucket on his head, and missile launchers on his shoulders beats the snot out of pretty much everybody.

If that doesn’t sound like the makings of a sphincter-tightening, filling-rattling home theater demo, I don’t know what does.

Hulk Smash!The Incredible Hulk (Blu-ray)

It may have been the verdigris-headed stepchild of this summer’s slate of superhero flicks, but this quasi-reboot of Ang Lee’s disastrous 2003 snooze-fest gets Show-Off bonus points for taking its “Hulk smash!” mantra to heart.

Nearly every scene pummels the screen with detailed debris and bold splashes of comicbook color that would have made Jack “The King” Kirby proud.

And the sound is a beast in and of itself. If your subwoofer doesn’t rip through the room like a gamma-fueled mutant with a bad attitude and a bone to pick during the final fight sequence, it might be time to call your custom installer for an upgrade.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PlayStation 3)

MGS IVThis unparalleled interactive magnum opus blurs the line between movies and games, not only with its renowned storytelling techniques, but also its groundbreaking cinematic framing and frighteningly realistic visuals.

From the opening scenes you’ll find yourself feeling less like a gamer and more like a movie star, thrown onto a dusty dystopian back lot without a script.

You’re on your own for crafts services, too.

But the payoff is that you get to explore a disturbingly detailed world that looks like it was dreamt up by that twisted little neighbor kid from Toy Story after a few hard years and a stint in the Special Forces.

LittleBigPlanetLittleBigPlanet (PlayStation 3)

This deliciously delightful little romp is nothing like Metal Gear, but that’s not saying much; it’s actually unlike anything you’ve ever seen or played before.

Imagine a sort of 21st-century Super Mario Bros., but set in a sumptuous semi-3D world packed to the gills with Crayola colors and textures so rich you’ll just want to dive into the screen and wallow in them.

Best of all, once you’ve beaten the game you’ll have all the tools you need to craft a jaw-dropping fairy tale world of your own, limited only by your imagination.

A homemade Show-Off—what could be better than that? (Hint: nothing.)

The Fall (Blu-ray)

The FallThis heartbreaking little bedtime story may not boast the best action scenes or the most explosions, but what it does have is a one-of-a-kind aesthetic and a film-like presence that must be seen to be believed.

If your friends have complained that they have a hard time appreciating the difference between DVD and Blu-ray, pop this one in to set them straight.

With none of the heavy-handed picture processing that plagues so many high-definition transfers bogging things down, you’ll swear you can taste the tang of desert dirt on the back of your throat, and feel the thread-count in the luscious, vibrant fabrics that dominate the film’s fantasy sequences.

Sweeny ToddSweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Blu-ray)

If your eyes are feeling a little overwhelmed by all the color, not to worry; this magnificently macabre Tim Burton musical still makes for one of the year’s best Show-Offs, with hardly a happy hue to be found in its chilling two-hour run.

It’s no less stunning, though—in fact, the film’s bold chiaroscuro contrasts weave together to craft a rich, dimensional image that’s disturbingly inviting despite all the dankness.

What really sets the Blu-ray apart from the DVD, though, is the ten-foot-tall Dolby TrueHD soundtrack, which pushes the music along with sweet vocals, thumping percussion, and strings thick enough to hold up the Golden Gate Bridge.

Sleeping Beauty: Platinum Edition (Blu-ray)

Sleeping BeautyThere has been no shortage of amazing computer-animated releases this year, but for my money the cartoon that deserves the spotlight is the retro-tastic restoration of Disney’s 1959 classic Sleeping Beauty.

This brilliant Blu-ray transfer preserves the original ultra-widescreen Technicolor presentation of the film beautifully; in fact, the presentation itself is practically transparent.

Every line flows with fluid grace. Every color oozes off the screen.

You’ll feel as if you’re looking at, not a highfalutin’ digital copy of decades-old three-strip celluloid, but rather the original animation cells themselves, straight from the artists’ hands and still waiting to dry.

Speed RacerSpeed Racer (Blu-ray)

Sadly, this kooky cartoon adaptation makes its way to Blu-ray with a boring old compressed Dolby Digital soundtrack (no Plus, no TrueHD, no nothing), so it pulls off the starting line with a severe handicap.

But it isn’t long before you forget the less-than-perfect sound and get lost in a visual experience that falls somewhere between a sugar high and an acid trip inside a giant liquid kaleidoscope.

Another few minutes of neon colors, razor-sharp details, and shadows the shade of the deepest depths of a black hole and you might even forgive the ridiculous writing and laborious acting. Seriously. It looks that good.

Chamber Music Palisades: Shostakovich/Debussy/Brockman (DVD-Audio/Video or iTrax download)

Chamber Music PalisadesThe only way to effectively describe the sonic effect of this exquisite AIX Records release is hauntingly holographic.

As with all of Dr. Mark Waldrep’s other recordings, it strips away the crud and crappy compression that cripple so much of today’s music.

What’s left is a breath of fresh music—a sonic experience that verges on the transcendental. The recording’s instruments have weight. They take up space in the air around your room.

The music doesn’t simply move through the air; it moves the air with it, filling the spaces between your speakers with a rich verisimilitude that few music fans will ever be lucky enough to hear at home.

For our full review, check out hifiTunes.

Across the UniverseAcross the Universe (Blu-ray)

Writer/director Julie Taymor may be woefully incapable of stringing together a coherent narrative, but who can deny the bombastic audiovisual splendor of her films?

Her latest—a helter-skelter tour of the volatile 1960s strung together with some of the best Beatles covers ever laid down—is no exception; in fact, it may well be her most beautifully incoherent spectacle yet.

The soundtrack blasts through the room like a Fab Four bullet blasted out of a warm gun, and the visuals come off like a cross
between a Calvin Klein advert and a thermonuclear meltdown at a Jelly Belly factory.

But in a good way.

Posted by βeta-site Thursday, November 26, 2009 0 comments

19 New Software 2009

Eset Nod32 Anti-Virus
Sun Java Runtime
TuneUp Utilites 2008
Winamp Player
K-Lite Mega Codec (Real Altrenative Included)
Nero Micro (Nero Burning ROM)
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Download Manager 5.15
Windows Live Messenger
Yahoo Messanger
Power Menu
Foxit PDF Reader
Spybot - Search & Destroy
and more

Direct Download : 19 New Software 2009


Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

The world will feel better when the developer is working hard to make a good free application that can do all necessary work is good or even better than paid versions.

Here are 20 applications for Windows 7 a good use. Ninite is the fastest and easiest way to get these 20 applications.


Applications for the drawing received a good development in Win 7, but still did not meet the needs of professionals and can not be used as a substitute for Photoshop.

GIMP, an application with many choices, both in terms of quality and quantity. In terms of 3D, GIMP quite impressive.


2. VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player can not be compared in terms of color from the menu or the appearance kecantikkan with similar applications. Developers of applications focused on the core aspects of a media player audio and video, and can be run successfully with a variety of video and audio in a virtual with a good quality.


3. Handbrake

Changing a video format into another format is a little game with Handbrake, which is practically accept various video formats as the source. Handbrake also provides a selection of features, the basic support subtitle and audio entry.

DOWNLOAD Handbrake

4. Firefox

Browser wars is very tight and everyone has their favorite browser. But, the star of the open-source developers undoubtedly is Mozilla Firefox.


5. Picasa

Created by Google, Picasa collect and organize all your photos to make it more accessible. Customizing and adjusting your photos, put them online or see a time line just click, and beginners will love the effective display of Picasa.


6. Fences

Win 7 may bring a new taskbar, but it does not provide a good development. Fences are a great way to make your regular desktop, with icons arranged and sorted into various "fences".


7. CCleaner

Like its predecessor, Win 7 will run more slowly on the lower class computer. One way to accelerate is to remove garbage files that accumulate on your hard drive, and CCleaner for that function.


8. Enhancemyse7en

From cleaning up registry problems with a system to detect clusters, Enhancement inform you about the improvements that can be done to your computer. But the best aspect of this program lies in the amount of data and tools provided, including hard drive monitor that measures the 'Work Time and' Temperature 'and options that help such as "Time to wait when a program hangs".


9. Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader may be a large enough application than its competitors, but managed to keep track constant and with an additional browser.
Adobe reader

10. Notepad + +

Not like Paint, Win 7th does not give a change to the Notepad application. With Notepad + + you can reproduce notepad function.

Notepad plus


Posted by βeta-site Wednesday, November 25, 2009 0 comments

Multinational Open Hack Day competition for the ASEAN region was more crowded with the participants who came from Indonesia.

Of a total of 300 people who have been enrolled in the Open Hack Day event held at the Balai Kartini, 21-22 November 2009, shows that Indonesia still dominates the number of participants.

Open Hack Day for the ASEAN region is followed by many participants from various countries, although there is no hard data, but it was obvious that the Open Hack Day this time dominated the participants from the country.

"Open Hack Day this time was attended by participants from various countries, but we do not have the numbers exactly how much the total participants from Indonesia," said Pontus Sonnerstedt as Senior Director of Business Development and Indonesia Country Lead, Yahoo! Southeast Asia.

But from observation detikINET held on the first day of the contest, Saturday, (21/11/2009). It is estimated that approximately 90% of the nearly 200 people participating there are the web developers who come from Indonesia

Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

Nothing feels is going to change years from now, but wait for the turn of the year, many people in various parts of the world waited for the presence of the Christmas holidays in December.

Apparently many ways can be done to fill those holiday than to hang out with relatives and family, but also lots of entertainment will appear in the media later.

Completing such a happy day, a group of researchers is currently preparing a new robot type plans will be exhibited on Christmas day to be exact. These robots can compete with the nimble dancers because the robot is able to dance and electronic body.

Curious to see this dancing robot action, please see the following video:

Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

From several countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has been chosen as host Yahoo! Open Hack Day ASEAN. No coincidence Indonesia hosted the event held during the 21-22 November 2009.

Pontus Sonnerstedt, Senior Director of Business Development and Indonesia Country Lead, Yahoo! Southeast Asia, recognized the great talent of young hackers in Indonesia.

“We have worked in Indonesia for several years, and we believe in the ability of web developers in Indonesia. That’s what we choose Indonesia as the venue for the Open Hack Day,” said Pontus, the number of journalists at Balai Kartini, Jakarta, Saturday, (21 / 11/2009).

Open Hack Day, followed by the ASEAN participants from neighboring countries like, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam. And in the end, Indonesians were selected as the host than other countries.

Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

For the computer enthusiast, especially the principals overclock, a master processor cooling is absolutely necessary. No wonder if there are some who are willing to use overclockers with liquid nitrogen cooling for their devices. 

Well, this time, air exposure detikINET processor from Thermaltake. Manufacturers of cooling a well-known in the market that brings Thermaltake Duo Orb to taste.

In general, the product comes with dual fan turned out to have more functions than a cooler processor. Exact observations detikINET, other devices such as motherboard or memory also cooled by this product.

More Adem More Lonely Yet

Despite a double fan, do not always think this product would be a noisy sound. In fact these products even more quiet than standard with the processor fan.

Also this product would also be better in terms of cooling processors, more so in conditions overclock too. detikINET tried this product on AMD-based systems with socket AM3 processors AMD Phenom X3 II 720.

According to information obtained from CoreTemp application, the processor temperature recorded was about 36 degrees when using the standard fan. Meanwhile, if using Thermaltake Orb decline of about 3 degrees to 33 degrees at idle conditions.

For more convincing detikINET processor speed boost from 2.8 GHz to 3.6 GHz. This is where Thermaltake Duo Orb shine, with a standard fan at maximum load kedaan temperature can reach 54 degrees temperature, while using the Thermaltake Duo Orb was in the range of only 42 degrees.

Installing a nuisance

Thermaltake Duo Orb fan is intended for systems with AMD processors or Intel LGA 775. Although extremely powerful in performance issues, but the installation of this product by classified detikINET trouble.

Especially for AMD platform, the user must replace the original seat with a processor fan that is included in the package Thermaltake Duo Orb. This means to install cooling the entire motherboard must be removed from the casing and tighten the screw holder fan behind the motherboard must be removed.

The most annoying thing is that if users want to remove this product again. Due to the included pasta, the processor would not seem out of this cooler. Even when detikINET try harder, cooling the processor even lifting force of the motherboard. This incident would risk causing bent pins on the processor and the even worse if the pin is to date.

As a result, if the user has decided to use this cooling should not be changing again. And if necessary replace the AMD processor that is cooled to the same release, do not release separate refrigeration when the processor is installed on the motherboard.

In conclusion, we dare say Thermaltake Duo Orb is a pretty cool powerful processor. Moreover, an attractive appearance with a combination of two lights, make this product can make a beautiful PC innards. Interested?

+ Dual fan
+ View Interesting
Cooling Performance + reliability

- Installation is very inconvenient

source : detikINET

Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

As portable communication devices with computing and Internet features, then the extra security needed for BlackBerry smartphones, including the security of personal information storage. Here are easy tricks to secure the BlackBerry Personal data:

Wearing PIN
In addition to the identity of each handset BlackBerry, the PIN can also be used to send confidential data to others, fellow BlackBerry users. You can use the PIN to enter the Message menu, select Compose PIN, enter the PIN objectives, content of the message (can include photos), then click send. With the installation PIN, the data that is sent will be more secure.

Wearing password
Password can also be used to lock the BlackBerry. To make the password settings can Options menu -> Password.

Clean data
As you may be selling the BlackBerry, you make sure that the data was deleted. To delete data quickly, use the Clean Memory, although the menu does not remove all the data. To make all data erased, go to Options -> Security Options -> General Settings, and then the BlackBerry logo tab and select Wipe Handheld.

Content Protection
Enrkipsi method works like a content encryption program in the computer. Data is already protected will appear with the icon ‘lock’ is closed, and when the data will be decrypted to be read first, and perform image icon ‘padlock’ open. All encrypted data can only be accessed by using certain keywords.

Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

Google makes some improvisation from Google Translate, Monday (16/11), such as the ability to translate the written word with a unique character, with spelling spelling per character. Google has added more languages to the Google Translate for the last few years, but if the language is displayed using a unique character that can not be identified, such as China or Japanese characters, so it’s only written language displays. 

However, now Google Translate can help users to translate from English to China to talk with display pronunciation spelling versions of each character is translated into ordinary Roman characters. Users can also translate English into Greek, Arabic, or Persian, and read the version of the spelling of each character.

In addition, Google also added the feature where the characters are easy to read like a character in the English version or Indonesia, to be read or spelled in Arabic, Persian, or Indian, are also the words. To translate other languages into English, Google also added an audio link to the word or phrase in English.

Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

The giant software company Microsoft has announced a beta version of the application package Office 2010 in the event Professional Developers Conference, in Los Angeles, Thursday (19/11). Leader Microsoft Information Worker Business Group, said Jacob Jaffe Office 2010 software is a beta version to be downloaded by millions than 30.000 people who download the technical preview version of it. 

“We introduced some changes in this beta version, including a new file tab, set a new visual user to make performance more quickly. Users also can save documents directly into Microsoft’s online storage, Windows Live SkyDrive from within desktop applications. All Office 2010 applications will be sold in the format of 32 bits and 64 bits. Office 2010 can be installed in Windows XP Service Pack 3, Vista or Windows 7. “Jaffe said.

For enterprise customers, Office Professional Plus 2010 and Office Standart 2010 will come via volume licensing, including web applications penggunaah. While for small businesses to use Office Professional 2010 and Office Home and Business 2010, and use in the home is Office 2010 Home and Student edition.

Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

Microsoft has launched the Halo Waypoint long-awaited for Xbox Live members. Portals offer a full preview of the episode Hello Legends, which includes developer interviews, trailers, screenshots and exclusive video footage.
In addition, Waypoint has a career system that tracks the performance of players in several games Hello. Participants are expected to accept gifts for specific achievements, including the full set Asker ODST armor and t-shirts.

Microsoft also has announced the official broadcast schedule for the Halo Legends, who reviewed the stories based on various themes and characters in the Halo universe.

Preview the first episode known as "The Babysitter" will be launched on November 7, 2009. Babysitter's name was created by STUDIO4 ° C followed the story of a group who are reluctant to accept ODSTs Spartans to the team's sniper attack them.
Date of additional episodes are as follows:
The Duel - 11/21/09
The Package Part 1 - 12/5/09
The Package Part 2 - 12/19/09
Origins Part 1 - 1/2/10

Categories: Games
Tags: Games, Hello Legends, Halo Waypoint, microsoft, ODST, STUDIO4 ° C, The Babysitter, xbox live

Posted by βeta-site Tuesday, November 17, 2009 0 comments

Robert Mikaelyan amateur photographers to get pictures of rare when a large fireball exploded in the sky. The incident happened shortly after he came out to take photos of the old sugar factory Netherlands.

Mikaelyan managed to get a picture a few shots of the fireball swinging low over the northern city of Groningen, before finally breaking into pieces smaller.

"I suddenly saw the light in the sky came quickly ... and rushed to get a picture," said Mikaelyan.

A few seconds after the fireball had been seen, the witness heard an explosion followed by a low rumble that shook the windows.

The object is most likely the space rock that shattered after hitting the earth's atmosphere, said experts who also speculated that the pieces of the meteor may land on the North Sea.

"This is a big event," said Theo Jurriens, the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute at the University of Groningen.

At present the earth constantly bombarded by debris smaller than comets, asteroids, and even the other rocky planets in the solar system.

But the ball of fire with such size and bright light may be visible only every 20 to 25 years, Jurriens estimate.


Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

The young man was named Milan Karki, believing that he had just found a solution to world energy needs. He also claimed invention allows the availability of environmentally friendly alternative energy and cheap.

“At first I just wanted to provide electricity at my house, and the village where I live. But now, I started thinking to provide electricity for the whole world,” said Milan was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail, Monday (19/10/2009).

Milan went on to explain that the hair has replaced the function of silicon, because the components are almost the same as commonly used in solar panels. That means, the panel can be made with low cost for those who do not have access to electricity.

In Nepal itself which includes the world’s poorest countries, many rural areas without access to electricity. In fact, in some places that have been illuminated by any power, its use is limited to 16 hours per day.

It was later inspired Milan to create a solution. Along with four of his friends, he then experimented making solar panels from the hair. According to Milan, very easy to use hair became conductor in a solar panel and can update the issuance of energy.

Solar panels are capable of producing power for 9 volts. To him, it takes a fee of 23 Euros.

Milan said, if mass produced could be half the selling price or a quarter of the initial capital needed to make it.

Melanin, the pigment in hair coloring, very sensitive to light. It also can function as a conductor. Moreover, the hair is much cheaper than silicon, so the cost can be minimized to make it. Solar panels can also charge the phone for both providers of electricity throughout the night.


Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

After successfully developing the computer hardware business, slowly but surely, now Dell has just been started in the business smartphone device more lively lately. In addition, to facilitate and expand its marketing, the Dell reportedly has just been to pick up 2nd largest mobile phone operator China Mobile the world is from China and Claro of Brazil.

For starters, Dell has just introduced its newest product, known as Android Mini 3. This device is designed based Android platform. In this latest smartphone products can deliver energy efficiency best use, flexibility, and customization benefits for users and network operators.

China Mobile which has more than 500 million subscribers in the world and Claro are able to serve more than 42 million subscribers is one assurance that Dell's interest to collaborate with them. Previously the Dell also has established cooperation with several other network operators dipelbagai countries, including Vodafone in Europe, Australia / New Zealand, AT & T and Verizon in Amrika States, M1 and Starhub in Singapore and Maxis in Malaysia. With this partnership, but can accelerate and expand its product marketing, will also create more profit in accordance with the needs of a communicative lifestyle.

Based on the FCC document dated 6 November 2009 that then, the device Mini 3iX Android smartphone is equipped with features support for GSM / EDGE 850/1900 and WCDMA 850/1900, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. And about their own marketing, China Mobile and Claro Movil will soon market the Mini 3 is the end of 2009 as well.

Categories: Mobile
Tags: android, AT & T, China Mobile, Movil Claro, dell, mobile, M1, Maxis, Mini3, phone, smartphone, Starhub, Verizon Wireless, vodafone


Posted by βeta-site Saturday, November 14, 2009 0 comments

Palm has recently introduced a new web-based platform. With this new platform, the Palm is planning to offer to developers to help speed up production to WebOS applications.

Platform that is known by the name of Ares. Ares on an existing platform, it features drag-and-drop and the developers no longer need to download the API or any other utility.

In addition, Ares itself also has a debugging tool, the ability to share the API, and the phone emulator that allows developers to see how their applications look of the display of landscape and portrait orientation.

Later this Ares platform will operate by using the Safari browser and Firefox, but not for Internet Explorer. This platform will be circulated at the end of 2009 this year. Well, we'll wait.

Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

Toshiba has released the Satellite L450 notebook with £ 329 price range ($ 547), supported by 15.6-inch display, an aspect ratio of 16.9 TruBrite HD, 4GB RAM, and power Intel Core Duo T3000 processor, or AMD Athlon, AMD Sempron SI-42 or AMD Turion Dual Core . There is also an HDMI port, 3 USB 2.0 ports and finishing silver design. For operating system Toshiba Satellite L450 notebook that is Windows 7 Home Premium.

Specifications Toshiba Satellite L450 notebook:

* Processor type: Intel ® Celeron ® Processor T3000
* Clock speed: 1.80 GHz
* Front Side Bus: 800 MHz
* 2nd level cache: 1 MB
* Operating system: Genuine Windows ® 7 Home Premium 64-bit
* Design: Aluminum Silver with a black keyboard
* Memory: 3.072 (2.048 + 1.024) MB
* Technology: DDR2 RAM (800 MHz)
* Hard disk: 250 GB, 5,400 rpm speed
* Optical: DVD Super Multi (Double Layer) drive
* Display size: 15.6 "
* Type: Toshiba TruBrite ® HD TFT High Brightness with 16:9 aspect ratio
* Internal Resolution: 1366 x 768 pixels
* Graphics adapter manufacturer: Intel ® Mobile Intel ® GMA 4500M
* Port:
o 1 x external monitor
o 1 x RJ-45
o 1 x external microphone
o 1 x headphone (stereo)
o 1 x integrated VGA Web Camera with built-in microphone
o 1 x 4-in-1 Bridge Media slot (supports SD ™ Cards up to 16 GB, Memory Stick ® up to 256 MB, Memory Stick Pro ™ up to 2 GB and MultiMedia Card ™ up to 2 GB)
o 3 (Left 1, Right 2) x USB 2.0
o 1 x HDMI supporting 1080p signal format
o Expansion 2 x memory slots (1 to configure)
* Wireless communication Compliancy: Wi-Fi ®
* Network: 802.11b/g/Draft-N
* Wired communication topology: Fast Ethernet LAN 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
* Sound system supported audio format: 24-bit stereo
* Speakers: built-in stereo speakers
* Battery technology: lithium-ion
* Maximum life: 2 hours 15 mins (Mobile Mark ™ 2007)
* AC adapter input voltage: autosensing AC adapter (100/240 V)
* Dimensions W x D x H: 383 x 267 x 34.5 (front) / 38.5 (rear) mm
* Weight: 2.61 kg
* Warranty: 1 year

Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

After Android operating system, Google is now trying to experiment with an open source programming language called Go, which will optimize the reliability of applications and multi-processor systems. Go is the second programming language that Google has released this year. Meanwhile, in July last, Google has released Simple programming language, a dialect of BASIC for the development of Android applications.

According to Rob Pike, head of Google engineers said that the purpose made Go, is a language system, can be like C + + or C. Pike also said that Go has the same level with Java, if someone is smart to play with the Java language, it also will not be difficult to use Go. Go itself began in 2007 as a project has been running 20 percent, but that Go was also assisted by the various contributor such as a Google engineer Robert Griesemer, Ken Thompson, Ian Taylor, and Russ Cox.

Go also includes plug-ins for the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and Go for Google to develop a web application creation. Go also will be at the upcoming Chrome browser, where Go will work with the Native Client, an open source technology to run the other language code in web applications. Go have a compiler called Gccgo based in the GCC, and one other compiler for 64-bit x86 machines, and 32-bit x86. In addition, the language of Go is also support for the ARM chip and Android devices. For more information, please see the Google website Go.

Posted by βeta-site 0 comments

The shape looks like a regular toothbrush often placed people in the bathroom. However, this was not a regular toothbrush, because the camera spy tiny ultrasound was hidden in a toothbrush body called Pinhole Spy the camera Hidden DVR Toothbrush this. Function toothbrush Toothbrush with Pinhole Spy the camera spy DVR is very powerful. Besides the user can brush my teeth, the user can also record all activities within the same time, so that no one knows where a spy the camera too.And hours recording time in Toothbrush Pinhole Spy the camera Hidden DVR, so users can get the authentic evidence for any illegal acts, such as police spies, or detectives.

Hardware product specifications Toothbrush Pinhole Spy the camera Hidden DVR:
* The shape is very small and practical
* Easy to use as a hidden camera
* Voice recorder in real-time activity in AVI video format
* Recording continuously until memory is full or manually off
* The results of color video with sound with file size 5 MB per minute
* Internal battery can be charged using a USB charging cable adapter
* 8GB Internal Memory
* The results of the video can be moved or rotated on a PC
* Video Compression 640x480 AVI video
* Can record sound
* The battery lasted 4 to 5 hours
* Weight 150g

* The price range of $ 243


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Worm Conficker and still tightly Taterf computer in the last year since their first appearance. This was stated by the CTO of anti-virus vendor Sunbelt Software, Eric Sites, said the virus may not be stopped, but can be observed. Worm's ability to spread to the Internet and then steal the password data also gave concern to the giant software company the Microsoft, as many copies in Taterf Conficker and Windows-based computers, and increased to 98.4 percent in the last 6 months of this year.

"We're doing something important which dollar makes a person an opportunity to make money illegally. We did not design the Internet to stay safe, but we designed it for free. "Commentator Rob Housman, executive director of Cyber Secure Institute.

Sites also explained that the computer worm spreads via memory sticks, music player, the camera, camcorder, and a smartphone that is inserted into the USB (Universal Serial Bus), modem port on the PC.

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Britney Spears, famous pop singer, is now having problems Verified Twitter account, which resulted in the validity and authentication issues. Verified support for Twitter, the Twitter pages of the artist proudly called "Yes! This is the real Britney Spears! We've got updates from her team, her web site and yes, even Britney Herself!", And that page has 3.75 million follower.

However, unexpectedly the post tweet instead encourage someone to enter the site controls that female singer pages. Only a few minutes 'Britney' post "I hope that the new world order will arive as soon as possible!", Then emerged posts containing "I give myself to Lucifer every day for it to arrive as quickly as possible. Glory to Satan." . And the last post before posting Britney "Britney rocked it in Melbourne last night! Adam Leber, Manager", is indicating that his Twitter account has been hacked.

It is a worrying is the fact of the Verified Twitter accounts itself, which turned out to be used and celebrities agency to ensure their brand names and can not be exploited, but it was easy to hack. Although only a few pages that have the celebrity status of Verified Twitter account, Twitter but there are plans to add this service to the organization or business.

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If you've never seen a woman dress of bright lights, then maybe this is the first. Two designers from London have created a dress with a mix of full-color LED 24.000. The dress is called 'Galaxy Dress', who later claimed to be the largest display of clothing in the world and will become the center of attention in the fashion show at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.

"We use the smallest LED full color, flat as paper, and measuring just 2x2mm. Circuit is made very thin, flexible and with a hand-made silk lining is stretchy so that the LED manufacturers can make it feel like for making clothes with additional light. The factory is working on this dress CuteCircuit. "Says Francesca Rosella and Ryan Genz, the dress designer.

Behind the LED itself, the Galaxy dress made for the grace of women, Genz added. To emit light LED, Dress Galaxy dress has 4 layers of silk chiffon. Super-thin electronic material attached to the dress to form the body as a factory-made clothes.

Dress Galaxy dress is also equipped with iPod battery is much smaller, hidden and invisible LED, Rosella added. With these batteries, the Galaxy dress Dress can burn from 30 minutes to 1 hour. There are areas without LED 4000 is decorated with Swarovski crystals, ranging from crystal clear to light pink. In fact, this dress looks good when the lights turned off, according to Rosella. So far, the Galaxy dress Dress has not been worn by real women, but still in the museum.

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Bellperre has announced a luxury mobile phone, which is made from the best materials, including hand-made wood (walnut, Elm, or Wenge Zebrano). Phone Finest Woods latest Bellperre weighs 120 grams and measuring 100 x 44 x 15.3 mm.

In addition, this phone can be customized with color polish hand Steel, Yellow Gold, Rose Gold or Platinum. There are 110 types of exotic leather that can be added on this phone, which is made from shark skin, crocodile, or a buffalo skin. Bellperre can also add diamonds and precious stones, or a particular logo or message according to user requests.

Finest Woods Bellperre phone support GSM 900/1800/1900 connectivity, 2-inch display is made from scratch resistant Sapphire Crystal, stereo Bluetooth, email and Windows Mobile systems. Bellperre explained that the phone is Bellperre Finest Woods made in the Netherlands, but no exact price.

Specifications Finest Woods Bellperre phone:

  • Tri Band: 900/1800/1900 MHz
  • Stereo Bluetooth (A2DP)
  • JAVA, MP3, mini USB
  • Camera with Camcorder & Video Player
  • Windows Mobile
  • PC Outlook synchronisation
  • Email Alerts, MSN Messenger
  • Hands Free Calling
  • TFT Display: 176 X 220 pixels
  • Screen size: 2" inch
  • Screen Glass: unscratchable Sapphire Crystal
  • Casing: Aluminium, Steel and Titanium
  • Keypad: Brushed Stainless Steel
  • Buttons: Carved out of Solid metal
  • Leather: Luxury Leather (highest standard)
  • Weight: 120 grams, Size: 100 x 44 x 15,5 mm
source : berita net

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