After Android operating system, Google is now trying to experiment with an open source programming language called Go, which will optimize the reliability of applications and multi-processor systems. Go is the second programming language that Google has released this year. Meanwhile, in July last, Google has released Simple programming language, a dialect of BASIC for the development of Android applications.
According to Rob Pike, head of Google engineers said that the purpose made Go, is a language system, can be like C + + or C. Pike also said that Go has the same level with Java, if someone is smart to play with the Java language, it also will not be difficult to use Go. Go itself began in 2007 as a project has been running 20 percent, but that Go was also assisted by the various contributor such as a Google engineer Robert Griesemer, Ken Thompson, Ian Taylor, and Russ Cox.
Go also includes plug-ins for the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and Go for Google to develop a web application creation. Go also will be at the upcoming Chrome browser, where Go will work with the Native Client, an open source technology to run the other language code in web applications. Go have a compiler called Gccgo based in the GCC, and one other compiler for 64-bit x86 machines, and 32-bit x86. In addition, the language of Go is also support for the ARM chip and Android devices. For more information, please see the Google website Go.