As portable communication devices with computing and Internet features, then the extra security needed for BlackBerry smartphones, including the security of personal information storage. Here are easy tricks to secure the BlackBerry Personal data:
Wearing PIN
In addition to the identity of each handset BlackBerry, the PIN can also be used to send confidential data to others, fellow BlackBerry users. You can use the PIN to enter the Message menu, select Compose PIN, enter the PIN objectives, content of the message (can include photos), then click send. With the installation PIN, the data that is sent will be more secure.
Wearing password
Password can also be used to lock the BlackBerry. To make the password settings can Options menu -> Password.
Clean data
As you may be selling the BlackBerry, you make sure that the data was deleted. To delete data quickly, use the Clean Memory, although the menu does not remove all the data. To make all data erased, go to Options -> Security Options -> General Settings, and then the BlackBerry logo tab and select Wipe Handheld.
Content Protection
Enrkipsi method works like a content encryption program in the computer. Data is already protected will appear with the icon ‘lock’ is closed, and when the data will be decrypted to be read first, and perform image icon ‘padlock’ open. All encrypted data can only be accessed by using certain keywords.