Multinational Open Hack Day competition for the ASEAN region was more crowded with the participants who came from Indonesia.
Of a total of 300 people who have been enrolled in the Open Hack Day event held at the Balai Kartini, 21-22 November 2009, shows that Indonesia still dominates the number of participants.
Open Hack Day for the ASEAN region is followed by many participants from various countries, although there is no hard data, but it was obvious that the Open Hack Day this time dominated the participants from the country.
"Open Hack Day this time was attended by participants from various countries, but we do not have the numbers exactly how much the total participants from Indonesia," said Pontus Sonnerstedt as Senior Director of Business Development and Indonesia Country Lead, Yahoo! Southeast Asia.
But from observation detikINET held on the first day of the contest, Saturday, (21/11/2009). It is estimated that approximately 90% of the nearly 200 people participating there are the web developers who come from Indonesia