Forget to bring important files?? Now there is software that you can connect from another computer into your favorite personal computer at home. You can access your personal computer anywhere and at any time during your personal computer is still alive. That way you can use your computer in another computer and you also can transfer data between two computer. LogMeIn, is one of the software is free now present can be downloaded from the official website.

Simply download the software for your main computer to be controlled. Then you simply register at the official site LogMeIn. You also need some of the settings by adding LogMeIn browser add-ons through the computer used to access your computer at home. Your computer can be controlled by conditions online on the internet, computer in living conditions, and sets enable LogMeIn software.

For security, you do not need to worry. In this system there is some security that can be in the settings on your profile at LogMeIn. So, to access this system required a password on a personal computer, LogMeIn password on the website and password sent via email each accessing a computer through another computer. So the security system is reinforced with 3 times login.

Posted by βeta-site Saturday, November 28, 2009


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