Hot news coming from HP, with the launch of a multitouch notebook, which is named TouchSmart tx2, which has a full touchscreen control on the desktop. notebooks multitouch technology will also have the same as used in the iPhone and other handsets, which have been provided by the N-TRIG, a software manufacturer in Isarel. In fact, Microsoft has also used the multitouch technology in the product named Windows 7, which according to the plan will be released in 2010.
Ted Clark, Senior Vice President and general manager, Notebook Global Business Unit of HP, said that by playing to there website and click here photos or video, simply by using a finger, is a new step to enjoying digital content on a notebook PC. With the introduction of tx2 TouchSmart notebooks, HP has provided convenience for the user, the user interaction features with their notebook PCs more natural, and the touchscreen innovations.
Fingertip control of the HP TouchSmart notebook tx2 allow a user to facilitate the object around the screen, shrink or expand, open or close the application by tapping a finger. HP TouchSmart Notebook tx2 also comes with a pen controller for supplying the mouse and keyboard. Notebook with 12.1-inch display size, resolution 1200x800 pixels, which is equipped with 2.1GHz AMD processor dual core Turion and Windows Vista. However, the price is quite expensive laptop that is about $ 1,149.
HP TouchSmart tx2 weighs 5 pounds, plus a rechargeable digital ink pen, LED BrightView with a 12.1-inch diagonal size, and a remote control. HP TouchSmart tx2, a thin notebook that serves as a laptop, and can be considered as a tablet and the multitouch display. HP TouchSmart Notebook tx2 can be used by using two fingers or with a stylus, graphics card ATI Radeon HD 3200, 8GB RAM, and also a webcam.