Latest news about Facebook advertising program itself was launched by Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook on Madison Avenue, New York on Tuesday last. Facebook, the largest company on Madison Avenue is inviting entrepreneurs, journalists and executives and experts in the field of advertising in the launch of Facebook Ads.

Facebook Ads itself is a program intended to Facebook users can create a branded ad pages, run targeted advertising, and have access to analyze and introduce him to The access sites of more than 50 million people. Facebook expects they invite partners to participate in one or three steps of the Facebook Ads. Zuckerberg told, "the third time this is done together, it will be something quite remarkable". According to him, the development of this program will take approximately four months or more.

Through Facebook Ads program, the advertiser can create an ad page design with the information, content, and existing applications. All applications made to the user in Facebook Platform. Zuckerberg further explains how Facebook users can register themselves as 'fans' of a trademark, trademark application installs, and other activities that will demonstrate their profile in the 'mini feeds' and the 'news feeds' which will be disseminated to the entire list of friends existing friends.

Posted by βeta-site Friday, January 22, 2010


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