History was set when a U.S. company will try to reinvent personal computing and encouraged us to use a touch-control "tablet" as a replacement keyboard and mouse

But Apple of Cupertino, California, do it more successfully than Microsoft did when it tried the same thing in 2003? Many report that focuses on Apple took books, textbooks and newspapers with the device market is expected to reveal. Other major markets will recommend the game.

Most of them only a laptop that allows you to rotate the screen 180 degrees and fold over the keyboard, making them heavy. Touchscreen and stylus-centric interaction alone is not enough interest. But the rash of patents filed by Apple suggests that the next step would be outside the iPhone once-revolutionary touch interface may only be part of the plan for each tablet was launched.
Hover or tap

In U.S. 2008/0158167 the company proposed to explain that to float above an element on the screen, for example, a character in a game, can activate it, may allow different functions to a direct touch.

U.S. Patent 7,643,011 granted on January 5, giving details of methods to ensure the ability to distinguish the touch screen of floating is not affected by electrical interference.

If used in a new tablet, this technology allows users to more than twice as many functions as they won your touchscreen on the iPhone, say. And it could be great for gameplay.

Of course, the tablet needs a virtual keyboard. But only a flat piece of glass peck on the Tablet PC is no fun at all. In patent application U.S. 2008/0316183 Apple shows that the movement quickly rub can be used to perform certain key jobs, such as the space bar, backspace, carriage return caps and shifts.

Other patent applications filed to mention the tablet computer includes "gesture dictionary", where certain hand shapes can be pressed against the screen to flip the device into a different mode. For example, a spread-fingered hand will open a new email or drawing program.

They "chord" would constitute "an entirely new sign language [to] convey complex meaning and order", explained patent.

Non keyboard sounds interesting approach, especially in a year even when the head of Microsoft's Steve Ballmer predicts the non-keyboard input methods, such as voice, set to become more popular.


Posted by βeta-site Saturday, January 30, 2010


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